Zip 13669 (Ogdensburg, NY) Rankings

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13669 Ogdensburg, NY is ranked highly in several categories according to It ranks as the #2 most affordable city/town in New York and #9 most affordable city/town in the United States. The cost of living index is at 83, which is 17% lower than the US average of 100. This makes 13669 Ogdensburg a great place for those who are looking for low prices on items such as groceries and housing. Furthermore, 13669 Ogdensburg is ranked as #4 most diverse city/town in New York State and is rated #13 most diverse city/town across America. This indicates that 13669 Ogdensburg has a good mixture of people from different backgrounds and lifestyles. Additionally, it ranks as the #3 safest city/town in New York and the #5 safest city/town across America. This means that residents can feel secure living here with low crime rates, allowing them to live peacefully without fear or worry. All these rankings make 13669 Ogdensburg an attractive place to live and work.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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